Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Who's #1 at the box office? They better enjoy it 'cause they won't be much longer...

Yeah, it's finally time for ECLIPSE!

Can you guess who will be at the 12:11AM showing?

Me.  I'm excited.  Don't let the lack of exclamation marks fool you.

But then I have to be at work at 8AM.  

That's the part I'm not excited about.

Can you guess what I'll be doing after work today?

Out napping Fatty, that's what.

Then it's off to the theatre to glory in the fight scenes love story.

See you Thursday quirk lovelies!  ^_^

Teaser Tuesdays [6]

Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly bookish meme, hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading. Anyone can play along! Just do the following:
  • Grab your current read
  • Open to a random page
  • Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page
  • BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!)
  • Share the title and author, too, so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teasers!

My Teaser:
It had been more of a brainwashing session than a conversation, as far as Jessica could tell.  Or maybe a whole bodywashing---his freaky transformation seemed to make Angie's accusations come true, as if Rex really was a monster now.
Blue Noon (Midnighters #3) by Scott Westerfeld, page  217

Happy Tuesday!  ^_^

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Cat-o-Covers [2]

Welcome to my newest whenever-I-feel-like-it feature!  I know there are cover features all over the place, but this one is unique because it highlights some of the books I have on hand in a picture with the my darling Fatty!  I will also add comparison covers if they exist and give my humble opinion on what I see, picking my favorites.  I hope you enjoy, so comment if you do! I love hearing from you!

This CoC we are going to cover Fallen by Lauren Kate!
Read my review of Fallen *here*

Before I began reading YA intentionally, I often browsed the YA section in my local bookstore, wondering about all these books that shared a genre with my WIP's.  Nearly every time I did this, my eye fell on Fallen and I picked it up.

Had I the extra money, I probably would have bought the book on the cover alone.  I love this cover.  I love the shades of blue, the sparse looking trees in the background.  I love the girl in her dark formal dress and lace fingerless gloves in the foreground.  I love the dramatic font that fits the dark tone of the rest of the cover.  I love the simplicity of it.  In a word: gorgeous.

I couldn't find any truly alternative covers for this book, but I did find something I thought was interesting,

This is a slightly different cover of Fallen by Lauren Kate next to the CD cover for Evanescence's album Fallen:

Though I remember this CD cover from when it came out, I didn't think of it when I picked up the book Fallen.  But it is intriguing that the font of both covers is similar and the coloring identical.  Is this a coincidence?

Perhaps.  I'd say the similarities have more to do with the general subject matter within the works rather than intentional planning.  Both works have a dark, mysterious tone to them, with the added veins of danger and romance.  So am I surprised the covers are similar?  Not really.  This album could actually serve as a fitting soundtrack to the story.  And both being called Fallen?  Just icing on the drama cake.

I just wish the story had captivated me as much as the cover did.  I've seen what the next book in the Fallen series looks like, and I'm excited to actually see it in stores soon.

What are your feelings on this cover?  Comment and let me know!  Thanks for stopping by! ^_^

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Dude, my B is so big! (A Not-So-Random Post/Update)

Okay, that doesn't make much sense.  If the B you're thinking of is butt, technically you'd be right, but that's not what I'm talking about.

I'm talking about my B folder in my Google Reader (GR).  I've categorized the blogs I follow alphabetically, and by far the B's are the biggest group.  Probably has something to do with the word book, but that's just a theory.

I sometimes feel overwhelmed when I open my GR because there are so many posts.  If I go a day without checking it, I usually have well over a hundred new entries.  I follow a lot of blogs.  Why?

Well, first off, there are a lot of awesome book/writer blogs out there.  Second, when I find something I like, I want to show support.  Following is the easiest way to do this.  Follower numbers are a big deal in the blogosphere, especially if you are like most book bloggers and trying to convince publishers to send you ARCs for review.  I'm not one of those bloggers, because honestly I have a hard time reading the books I already have.  I am one of those bloggers who just gets a little high every time the follower number goes up. ^_^

The third reason for following are contests/giveaways.  Many blogs have follower contests in an effort to drum up more followers, or they offer contests where only followers are eligible.  Good strategy, I think, because I believe that no matter how much you want a certain book/swag/etsy prize, you aren't going to follow a blog you despise.

So I've been thinking about having a contest or two on here, but I'm teetering on whether or not to make it a contest revolving around the idea of followers.  While I would keep this blog up without followers, I love that people like or enjoy the blog enough to hit that follow button.  Plus, I have a the-more-the-merrier way of thinking when it comes to blogs.

So, would YOU like a contest/giveaway?  Should I make it a follower giveaway?  I've been hinting about doing one for a while now.  I have three books I am planning on giving away (more possibly), but if no one is interested I can find other uses for them.  Voice your opinion in the polls in the sidebar and comment if you have any suggestions!

As always, thanks for reading!  ^_^

Faturday! Faturday! [7]

So I really wanted to take a picture of Fatty
trying to go down to the basement (an animal no-no), 
but my sister has my camera, so that will have to wait.  

But I CAN give you a photo of Fatty being 
somewhere else he's not supposed to be:

Cabinet kitty, anyone?

Happy Faturday!

Friday, June 25, 2010

Wannabe Writers #22

Wannabe Writers is a weekly meme hosted by Sarah at Confessions of the Un-Published. This meme is what prompted me to start Writer Quirk, so I am thankful to Sarah for creating it and allowing ANYONE (even a quirkster like me) to join up. So go visit her site and the others who participate. Do it.

Where I am in the writing process:  From the last time I participated in WW to now (a few weeks) my writing has gone from intentionally every day or so to nil.  I blame this on my schedule upheaval and a general lack of will.  It felt like my writer flow had been cut off, but gradually it is coming back.  I was ready to just declare myself on break, but every time I thought about it, something half-way creative popped into my head.  So, not writing as much as I want, but still planning and mind-hammering out details.

My current problem(s):  Stupid plots!  When I get ideas for stories, I don't really get ideas for stories.  I get ideas for characters, and slowly stories form around them to explain how they are who they are.  I honestly wonder sometimes if I'm even clever enough to write a whole story as I can't seem to do it.  Plots, twists, time-lines...they feel murderous at the moment.  I just want to hang out with my characters and watch them go about their boring lives.  Sometimes it seems like the only decent things I write for them are the terrible and dark events because I honestly find that part fun, being horrible to my characters, that is.  Being good to them is so much harder...and connecting the dots between each event is the hardest part for me.

Sarah's ???:  When writing how do you structure out your novel?  Do you use the classic method of intro, rising tension, mini crisis, rising tension, mini crisis, rising tension, climax, resolution?  Or some kind of alternative structure?

My answer:  Um, structure?  If my stories were connect-the-dot pictures, there wouldn't really be a picture, at least, not a well-formed one that makes any sense to anyone but myself.

My ???: Structure???  I don't think in structure.  I've heard of three act structure, but as for execution, I'm so not there.  How do I learn to write in structure?  Please tell me this is something that can be taught!

Thanks for visiting!

Museic - Flyleaf

Museic: Bands, songs, and albums that inspire my writing 

This edition features:

FLYLEAF - Memento Mori
Lacey - vocals
Sameer Bhattacharya - guitar
Jared Hartmann - guitar
Pat Seals - bass
James Culpepper - drums

I'm sure some of you have heard of this amazing band, but
if not, now you can learn about one of my favorites!

Bits of the album description from the band's site 
(full description here):
Flyleaf bleed, grow, love and live on MEMENTO MORI.
Lacey describes MEMENTO MORI best. "This album feels like an emotional rollercoaster. While listening to it, I was holding my breath at points. The issues definitely got heavier and a little more intense."
Flyleaf titled the album MEMENTO MORI—a Latin phrase meaning "Be mindful of death"—in order to remind the world how precious life is. The band tries to take advantage of each and every opportunity presented to them, and they're an example of dreams coming to fruition through never giving up. For Sameer, that sentiment of living every day to its fullest is essential for creating music. "Each day is a new beginning. It's never too late to become the kind of superhero you imagined you'd be when you were a kid."
These sonic superheroes have created an experience for listeners, stretching far beyond the recorded sounds. Flyleaf looked over the 13 songs that would become MEMENTO MORI, and saw how they all come together to form a sort of parable if you listen from start to finish. Lacey evinces, "Every track is like another chapter of the story. In my head it feels like a movie. The story becomes a parable for important life lessons we’ve learned over the years. After coming through these life and death experiences, we have learned to be more grateful and purposeful with the time we are given. We want to pass the torch at the end during ‘Arise.’ Perhaps someone will come away from the story and be more grateful and purposeful with their own life and the world will change for the better."
Lacey concludes, "I want to let kids know that they have a purpose and can do something great. I believe that one hundred percent. Growing up, my mom was a single mom with six kids. We struggled for absolutely everything. Here we are now with so many blessings. It doesn't even feel real sometimes. I just feel so thankful."

Why MEMENTO MORI is Museical:  This album is, in a word, epic.  It RAWKS.  The songs are intense and the messages deep, and I love getting swept up in the stories in each one.  When I first began listening to it, I was instantly reminded of the MC of my current WIP.  She goes through some dark, dark stuff and has to work through it, and like this album, hope and love are waiting at the end.

Tracks (*faves*):
  1. Beautiful Bride
  2. Again
  3. *Chasm*
  4. *Missing*
  5. *This Close*
  6. *The Kind*
  7. *In the Dark*
  8. Set Apart This Dream
  9. Swept Away
  10. *Tiny Heart*
  11. Melting (Interlude)
  12. Treasure
  13. *Circle*
  14. *Arise*

Quirk: This album makes me want to cheer and cry simultaneously.  Some of the songs are so hopeful while others are tragic, and all are beautiful and amazing.  Few bands have succeeded to rock me musically as well as emotionally, and I can't wait for more of the awesomeness that is Flyleaf.

(Listen to select songs in the player at the very bottom of the blog.)

Rating:  Royalty

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Top Ten of the Moment [3]

Top Ten of the Moment is a new meme from Swimmer over at Books, Writing, and More, Oh My!! to be hosted every Thursday.

How this meme works is that Swimmer will choose a topic (food, books, etc.) and will pick her current top ten.  If you want to participate, all you have to do is create your own top ten for Swimmer's selected topic and put your TTotM link in the Mr. Linky on her post.  Easy enough, right?

This week's topic is:  Best Literary Friend (not love interest)  (to see Swimmer's top ten, click HERE)

My Top Ten:
  1. Neville Longbottom from the Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling
  2. Dess from the Midnighters series by Scott Westerfeld
  3. Macy, Bex, and Liz from the Gallagher Girl series by Ally Carter
  4. Gabriel Silk from the Children of the Red King series by Jenny Nimmo
  5. Alice Cullen from the Twilight Saga by Stephenie Meyer
  6. Luna Lovegood from the Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling
  7. Lulu from the Airhead series by Meg Cabot
  8. Mark Murphy from Sweetblood by Pete Hautman
  9. Angela Weber from the Twilight Saga by Stephenie Meyer
  10. Fred from The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner by Stephenie Meyer

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Teaser Tuesdays [5]

Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly bookish meme, hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading. Anyone can play along! Just do the following:
  • Grab your current read
  • Open to a random page
  • Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page
  • BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!)
  • Share the title and author, too, so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teasers!

My Teaser:
He smiles a wicked smile and hands me the phone.  "There is candy in here as well."
Captivate by Carrie Jones, page 220

Happy Tuesday!  ^_^

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Giveaway Highlight - Reading Cause I'm Addicted

Awesome contest from Kara over at Reading Cause I'm Addicted!  
Win on of FOUR awesome (so I hear) YA novels!
Enter HERE!

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Giveaway Highlight - Sparrow Review

Happy Blogoversary to Cate over at Sparrow Review
She is combining her blogoversary contest with her 200 followers contest, and you could win FOUR books! 
Check it out HERE!

Happy Faturday! [6]

Nothing to say except that Fatty and I love our 
quirky readers this much!

Friday, June 18, 2010

From Where I'm Standing [2]

I usually only take pictures of my arm(s) on TWLOHA Day, but I have found one more occasion!

Today I gave blood!  Woot!  I'm O+, which means anyone else that has + blood (as opposed to Blood+ lol) can receive blood from me!  The only other more useful blood is O-, which anyone can receive.

I'm a fairly quick bleeder, but the girl who stuck me had only been there one week!  It's okay, she didn't have to re-stick me, but she didn't get the vein right away, so I had about five people staring at my left arm as one lady moved the needle around til she found the fount.

If you've never had this type of experience, let me just tell you the stickin' and finger-prickin' hurts a lot less than my arm does now.  It's sore, but luckily the bent-to-type position doesn't hurt so much.

But pain aside, giving blood is AWESOME.  You can save up to THREE people by donating blood.  As for you needle-shy people, I never actually saw a needle (you just have to know where to be looking, lol).  But seriously, if you can, you should give blood.  Vampires aren't the only ones out there who need it!

And I know FWIS was supposed to be pictures from around my town, but here's my arm instead! ^_^

Giveaway Highlight - Reading Teen

The wondermous lovelies over at 
Reading Teen 
are continuing their Second Hand Saturday giveaway!
Follow them - the power of Fatty compels you!


Top Ten of the Moment [2]

Top Ten of the Moment is a new meme from Swimmer over at Books, Writing, and More, Oh My!! to be hosted every Thursday.

How this meme works is that Swimmer will choose a topic (food, books, etc.) and will pick her current top ten.  If you want to participate, all you have to do is create your own top ten for Swimmer's selected topic and put your TTotM link in the Mr. Linky on her post.  Easy enough, right?

This week's topic is:  YA Romance Books/Relationships  (to see Swimmer's top ten, click HERE)

This one was a bit difficult for me (as I don't really read straight romance, YA or otherwise, and unless it was something epic, I have a hard time remembering even characters' names) so I really had to think (big deal for me :oP) about this list.

My Top Ten:
  1. Ron and Hermione from the Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling
  2. Cammie and Zach from the Gallagher Girl series by Ally Carter
  3. Jasper and Alice from the Twilight Saga by Stephenie Meyers
  4. Harry and Ginny from the Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling
  5. Ani and Geric from The Goose Girl by Shannon Hale
  6. Daine and Numair from The Immortals series by Tamora Pierce
  7. Kaye and Roiben from Tithe and Ironside by Holly Black
  8. Em and Christopher from the Airhead series by Meg Cabot
  9. Kathleen and Bran from Overdue by Richie Tankersley Cusick
  10. Colie and Norman from Keeping the Moon by Sarah Dessen 

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Giveaway Highlight - The Undercover Book Lover

Reggie over at The Undercover Book Lover is giving away 
five paranormal ARCs and five packets of 5 gum!
Go HERE to enter!

Holy Blogger, Fatman! [Part Two]

If you caught [PART ONE] of this (three, four part? idk) post, you saw where 
Nyxen Nadine 
gave me 
The Versatile Blogger Award!
(Thanks again Nyxen!)

So as part of this award, I was to choose FIFTEEN bloggers to pass this award to, so here they are (in alphabetical order):

Alexa @ Not Enough Bookshelves
Andrea @ Loud Words & Sounds
Cate @ Sparrow Review  
Charlotte @ The Book on the Hill
Diana @ Books by their Story
Erica @ The Book Cellar
Erin @ Bookish in a Box  
Hannah @ Musings of a Palindrome
Jessica @ Confessions of a Bookaholic
Jenn @ Books at Midnight
Khelsea @ Once Upon a Review
Morgan @ Smitten With Books 
Tara @ The Bodacious Pen 
Tere @ The Lesser Key 
Valerie @ I Should Be Writing

Soon (maybe not next post, but soon) I will give you [Part 3] of this post-of-awesomness!  To give you a little hint about what's coming up next, here is a question for you to answer:

Q:  How do you win awards/prizes? ;-)

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Holy Blogger, Fatman! [Part One]

Can we say AWESOME?  Of course we can!

I received my first blog award!  The super-sweet Nyxen Nadine from Nyxen's Sidewalk Journey Through Life gave me The Versatile Blogger Award!  Thank you so much Nyxen!  I literally *squeed* aloud when I saw my name on her post, and I'm pretty sure Fatty thought I was a mouse for a second.  But anyhoo, now it is my turn to continue the versatile blogger tradition!

Here are the rules:

1.Thank and link back to the person who gave you this award. ^above^
2.Share 7 things about yourself.
3.Pass the award along to 15 bloggers who you have recently discovered and who you think are fantastic for whatever reason! (In no particular order...)
4.Contact the bloggers you've picked and let them know about the award.

Seven Things to Share:
^not Fatty, but close^

1.  In the third grade for a creative writing assignment, I practically plagiarized a kiddy short story about a cat who foils a burglary. Though the idea and the events weren't my own, I had so much fun making up new details for the story that I fell in love with writing. (Note: that was my first and last attempt at plagery, just in case you were wondering ^o^)  I remember thinking that I loved the story so much, I wanted it to be mine!  I also had a big thing for cats and cat books.

2.  In addition to fiction, I occasionally write poetry. I also write lyrics, but because I am not musical, the song part usually gets left in my head.

3.  If I had been a character in a YA novel when I was a teenager, I would have been the quirky-jock-overachiever.
^Spirit Day Senior Year^
^Senior Superlative Photo^
^Junior Year Basketball Photo^

4.  I do not think of great names for cats. My first cat ever was named Purry (because Meowi sounded too much like Maui for my liking), then there was Sable (because of her color), Gabriel (because my sister named her cat Angel and both were solid white), Bobby (because I thought it was a cute name for such a friendly cat), Lynxi (because she had the little tufts of hair on her ears), and Fatty (who was not originally named this because I thought he was a girl, so he was called Baiby Fuzzy-Face Grey until I figured him out). Fatty, however, has the most names/titles/aliases of any of my cats, because he's special like that. ^_^

5.  I help teach my church's 7th grade girls Sunday School class. They think I'm weird (which I am) but I have fun getting to know them and they have fun laughing at my goofy-ness.

^my left ear^
6.  I currently have eight piercings.  My first two were my ears at age 10, the next two just above them when I was 18, the third set just above the second pair when I was 19, then two in the cartilage of my left ear this past December, just before I turned 24.  I had my belly-button pierced when I was 18, but that didn't last long.  I've only had to have one piercing redone.  If I could get whatever piercings I wanted, I would probably have my eyebrow and/or lip pierced.  I would never get my tongue pierced.

^my almost Alma Mater^
7.  While in college, I majored in English Literature and Creative Writing and minored in Cinema Studies and Secondary Education.  I dropped out just after the beginning of my junior year, and I have no plans to go back.  My life didn't turn out how I had planned or imagined, but if it had, I wouldn't be sharing all this fun stuff with you!

I will announce my fifteen choice bloggers 
in the next post!

Monday, June 14, 2010

Teaser Tuesdays [4]

Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly bookish meme, hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading. Anyone can play along! Just do the following:
  • Grab your current read
  • Open to a random page
  • Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page
  • BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!)
  • Share the title and author, too, so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teasers!

My Teaser:
The red-haired pixie laughs.  Someone behind me says, "Should we kill her now or make her watch us kill her friends?"
Captivate by Carrie Jones, page 185
(I can't help it, but when I read that last line, a tiny voice in my head screamed, "Kill her!")  >.<

Happy Tuesday!  ^_^

Sunday, June 13, 2010

A Belated Faturday [5]

So, if you read the update, this should have gone up last night.  Well, bonfire, s'mores, and Dutch Blitz (not to mention my hilarious cohorts) kept me out til 4am!!!  But I had tons of fun (okay, maybe not tons, but however many pounds I gained from those s'mores, a.k.a. A LOT) and my buddies and I cemented plans for our monthly group meeting.  Woot!

So, on to Fat Fat...

As you can see, Fatty is "reading" Sweetblood by Pete Hautman!  Yay for reading cats!

Happy Belated Faturday!

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Eek! I hate falling behind...

So this week I started my new position at work, going from 2nd shift (4pm to 12:30am) to days (8am to 5pm) and when I came home, I wasn't sure what to do with myself.  I was sleepy (not used to going to bed before 3am and therefore not making it to bed until 1am usually) so I napped, sometimes did housework, but what I should have been doing was setting up posts so that when today rolled around, all I had to do was hit a button.  Yeah, I'm not much of a planner.

Well, I have a bonfire (I'm sort-of a closet pyro) to attend in a couple of hours, so I've got to get ready and also run some errands before it begins.  Time management is not a skill I possess in my personal life, apparently, so my usual Saturday posts will be later tonight.  These posts may or may not include my first giveaway.  We'll see.

Later Quirksters!

Friday, June 11, 2010

Top Ten of the Moment

Top Ten of the Moment is a new meme from Swimmer over at Books, Writing, and More, Oh My!! to be hosted every Thursday.

How this meme works is that Swimmer will choose a topic (food, books, etc.) and will pick her current top ten.  If you want to participate, all you have to do is create your own top ten for Swimmer's selected topic and leave your TTotM link in the comments of her meme post.  Easy enough, right?

This week's topic is:  Books you want to read  (to see Swimmer's top ten, click HERE)

My Top Ten:
  1. Only the Good Spy Young by Ally Carter
  2. Paranormalcy by Kiersten White
  3. Heist Society by Ally Carter
  4. Beautiful Creatures by Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl
  5. The Iron King by Julie Kagawa
  6. Shadow Hills by Anastasia Hopcus
  7. Eyes Like Stars by Lisa Mantchev
  8. White Cat by Holly Black
  9. Brightly Woven by Alexandra Bracken
  10. The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Cat-o-Covers [1]

Welcome to my newest whenever-I-feel-like-it feature!  I know there are cover features all over the place, but this one is unique because it highlights some of the books I have on hand in a picture with the my darling Fatty!  I will also add comparison covers if they exist and give my humble opinion on what I see, picking my favorites.  I hope you enjoy, so comment if you do! I love hearing from you!

This CoC we are going to cover Sweetblood by Pete Hautman!

The cover of Sweetblood featured above is composed of a girl in red and black halftone with some blood splatter on a white background.  While I like the colors, I don't like what the styling does to the girl's face (almost no nose, which just makes it look weird), but I like that the title is so large and contrasts with the darker image.  In fact, the title is what caught my attention in the first place.

When I saw this cover, I thought the book would be about a girl with some sort of vampire something thrown in.  The cover is abstract enough to keep you guessing about the girl - is she mad, sad, a little of both?  Basically, the cover expressed all the darkness associated with vampire tales while making the girl mysterious in a way that made me want to find out about her.

Here are some other covers:

The first of this pair is not all that eye catching to be honest. If I had seen this cover, I would have thought the book was about some angsty teenage goth who hates the world because of some stupid teenage reason. Boring. I probably wouldn't have picked it up to find out what it actually was about. The truth is Sweetblood is about an angsty teenage goth (dressing) girl, but her story is much deeper than your normal pout-n-shout. In this case, the cover does not live up to the story.

The second of the pair does the opposite of the first - it grabs your attention with the black and red and pink, not to mention the fangs and dripping lips.  Upon seeing this, I would have expected something along the lines of Gossip Girl meets House of Night because that's what I'm reminded of when I look at the font and colors (girly+sexy+vampires=drama).

Not that such a book, if it existed, would be bad, but Sweetblood is not GG mashed with HoN.  It's a story of self-revelation and learning from your own mistakes.  Again, more thought-provoking than regular teen drama, so the cover, while enticing, does not fit with what's on the inside.

So my pick for the best Sweetblood cover is the red/black/white halftone cover.  It definitely fits the story best.

Giveaway Highlight - The Bodacious Pen

Tara over at The Bodacious Pen is giving away a reader or a writer prize pack 
in celebration of the first completed draft of her novel!  
Go celebrate with her by following her blog and entering to win HERE!
(Pssst!  You could win SEA by Heidi R. Kling and SHADE by Jeri Smith Ready!)

Wednesday, June 9, 2010


I thought I was going to like a certain Fey book sequel better than the first *cough*captivate*cough* but it's not looking good.  I have a few words or what-have-you's to explain my issues with the story so far:

What The??? all over the place

*sigh*  I'm going to finish it, even if I have to force-feed myself every last page, but it'll be a bit like eating live pixies for me.  >.<

Giveaway Highlight - Confessions of a Bookaholic

Jessica over at Confessions of a Bookaholic is giving away  
Twilight Saga swag in honor of the release of
The Twilight Saga: Eclipse in theaters June 30th.  
Also, if Jessica reaches 200 followers, she will throw in the Eclipse Soundtrack!  
So go, follow, and enter HERE!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Giveaway Highlight - Ramblings of a Wannabe Scribe

Shannon over at Ramblings of a Wannabe Scribe is giving away a 
SIGNED copy of The Body Finder by Kimberly Derting 
AND some awesome Body Finder swag!
To enter, go HERE!

Giveaway Highlight - The Book Cellar

Erica over at The Book Cellar is hosting a Summer Splash Giveaway!  
You could win a copy of Sea by Heidi R Kling and other summer-y goodies!
Enter HERE!

Giveaway Highlight - Only Sexy Books Allowed

Keyona over at Only Sexy Books Allowed is giving away an 
ARC of Matched by Ally Condie!  
To enter, go HERE!

Giveaway Highlight - Written Word Review

Caitlin over at Written Word Review is giving away THREE books by 
Tera Lynn Childs
including her newest release Forgive My Fins!  
Check it out HERE!

Teaser Tuesdays [3]

Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly bookish meme, hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading. Anyone can play along! Just do the following:
  • Grab your current read
  • Open to a random page
  • Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page
  • BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!)
  • Share the title & author, too, so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teasers!

My Teaser:
They are twirling around in some sort of weird dance.  Their feet twist over the snow in fancy, wild footfalls.
Captivate by Carrie Jones, page 211

Happy Tuesday!  ^_^