Thursday, November 8, 2012

Write Stuff [22]

Write Stuff  is based on the Wannabe Writers meme hosted by Sarah at Confessions of the Un-Published. This meme is what prompted me to start Writer Quirk, so I am thankful to Sarah for creating it.

I use this meme to talk about the ups and downs of writing, what I'm working on, and, in November, to chronicle my NaNoWriMo journey.

Oh quirks, what can I say? You see that green NaNoWriMo status bar over on the right? I'm BEHIND.

I've been feeling quite icky this past week (fighting an infection) and I don't know if it is the infection or something else (my depression tends to worsen as the cold weather hits and I am noticing an increased lack of caring about things I usually enjoy), but it is currently about 8:30pm and I feel like it is 2am. I went to bed at 7pm yesterday and slept until 6am, so...yeah. I don't know what's wrong with me.

Also, pizza=heartburn. *reaches for mint Tums*

BUT...I've got a local write-in tomorrow so I'm hoping getting out of the house for some dedicated writing time will help.

If you are doing NaNoWriMo, how's it going? Are you, NaNo participant or not, having any issues writing? Let me know in the comments!

1 comment:

  1. I hope you're able to get caught up! It stinks when something holds us back. For me it's working all the time and trying to keep up with other responsibilities. It can be discouraging, but I'm trying hard to work out the kinks in my life. So, it's day by day. I'm hoping for a nice burst of inspiration the rest of this month to catch up on several weeks of time lost. *crosses fingers*


Thank you for reading!