Thursday, May 26, 2011

Book Blogger Hop & Follow Friday! [3]

Sorry I've been MIA this week, but a lot has been going on!
I will be back on track this weekend!

Book Blogger Hop 

Welcome blog hoppers!
I haven't been answering the questions but so many of my new followers mentioned it 
I figured I better this time!  
(I also will go back and revise my first two BBH and FF posts 
to answer the questions from those weeks!)

FFQ: How many books do you read in a week? And in what format do you read them, or listen to them?

WQA:  I probably listen to 2-3 audiobooks a week, and maybe read one hard copy.  I listen to books way more than I physically read.

BBHQ:  Which book-to-movie adaptation have you most liked?
Which have you disliked?

WQA:  I generally don't have many qualms with book-to-movie adaptations and try to enjoy them separately from the books.
I thought the Lord of the Rings trilogy was the best adaptation ever (because even where things were changed, they still made sense within the scope of the fantasy world and Tolkien's style).  
The one b-to-m adaptation I remember absolutely hating was The DiVinci Code.  Neither of those examples are YA, but I generally enjoy YA b-to-m adaptations despite all the details that get left out.

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 "Like" the Writer Quirk Facebook page!

Thanks for visiting!


  1. Oooh, I also didn't like the Da Vinci Code! I completely forgot that one when I made my list.
    : ) check me out.

  2. I also didn't like the Da Vinci Code-such a fast paced book and yet such a long, boring movie; can't remember what changes they made but I do remember being bored.

  3. I loved the LOTR adaptation, I thought they did a fantastic job as well! And I can't listen to audio books no matter how hard I try lol. I've tried and tried but I have no patience and I lose focus two minutes into the disc. I hope you have a wonderful Friday! ;)

    My FF

  4. I usually like the book much better than when it is turned into a movie. :)

    Stopping by from the blog hop.


  5. Hey there! =) The blogger gadget is finally working so I am finally able to stop by other blogs! I read about 3 books a week, as well. =) That seems to be most common.

  6. Stopping through via the hop! I have to agree about the DaVinci Code. The actors are amazing but didn't seem to fit the roles well at all. Great picks!

    Happy Reading!
    <3 Patricia @ Patricia's Particularity

    P.S. New Follower :) <3 <3

  7. I think you've got the right attitude - consider the books and movies as completely separate things. I have a hard time doing that, though.

    Glad to have found you via the Hop!

  8. Thank you all for stopping by! I love these hops because I'm finding so many new awesome blogs!

    Semisweet & Bookworm: I think I'm still mad about The DaVinci Code. I thought it looked great, but they completely removed most of the mystery and suspense. >.<

    Howard: I agree! Though I don't think it is that controversial. Jackson was truer to Tolkien's work (his whole works, not just LOTR) than most people even realize. And that is including the changes he made.

    Loren: Agreed! And as for audio books, I'm usually doing something else while listening to them, like working, cleaning, driving, etc. But with the wrong book it really can be tedious. Harry Potter, however, is an epic series of audio books. ^_^

    Elizabeth: I can't wholeheartedly agree, though for the b-to-m adaptations where I haven't read the books, I generally find them enjoyable, especially when the book is not one I would usually read (like The Notebook).

    Bailey: Thanks! And it is good to know I'm not the only one who doesn't read 10 a week! lol.

    Patricia: Thank you, and I agree, the whole thing was just a mess (albeit a pretty mess). And thanks! I agree with you on Harry Potter, though with each new sequel, the more I sit there watching and thinking, "This should have happened here, that should have been said there." I almost wish they'd taken a little more time for them (like LOTR) but with seven books, there really was no way they would do that.

    Susan: Thank you! Sometimes it is difficult for me too. The Percy Jackson movie took me a while to really warm up to because it was so different (even though I wasn't an uber-fan of the book) but eventually I was able to keep them separate in my mind. ^_^

  9. Thanks for stopping by my blog and following...I am now following you too. :)


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